Monday, March 24, 2008

Software Spending by Retailers in China, India, and Russia will top $1.57B in 2010

According to a recent AMR Research report, software spending by retailers in China, India, and Russia will top $1.57B in 2010 -- an increase of 45% over 2007. In addition, these retailers will increase their IT budgets an average of 25% between 2007 and 2010. Aggressive first-time spending for store technology over the next few years, especially in China, will see retailer budgets in these emerging economies far outpace those of their peers in more established countries.

According to the report, the most common business priorities for retailers in these regions included increasing their understanding of consumer demand (22% cited it as their top priority) and improving the overall shopping experience (18%) in 2007. Priorities will expand in 2010, with an increased focus on consumer-centric merchandising and the strategic software investments that support this effort.

Of the 232 retailers in emerging markets surveyed, the majority will seek alternative relationships with their technology providers over the next few years. Between 2007 and 2010, acquiring software via the traditional licensed approach will diminish by 20%. Retailers in emerging areas of the world will shift toward software-as-a-service (increasing 56%), business process outsourcing (21%), and open source (69%).

More information on the service and support industry can be found at

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