Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Secrets to Evaluating SaaS Solutions Based on your Business Requirements

Software-as-a-Service has moved from a new idea to the next big strategy for optimizing how IT aligns better to the business. Much of the discussions you read in blogs, RSS feeds and websites about SaaS exclusively talks about it as a technology, and gives little discussion on the implementation aspect.

The reality is it’s imperative that an enterprise develop a well-defined evaluation process before jumping into any SaaS solution. Each model — premise, SaaS, and now SaaS2 (Solutions-as-a-Service, or “SaaS Squared”) have particular strengths and weaknesses, making it all the more important that a company carefully consider its specific needs and requirements when evaluating the various options.

For SupportIndustry.com Blog readers who are interested, FrontRange Solutions is holding a joint webinar with Gartner Wednesday (May 11th) at 1:00PM EDT to discuss the importance of carefully evaluating SaaS solutions based on both your business requirements and the overall value it delivers to your IT organization.
If you are interested, you can register here:

Event Details
Date: Wednesday 5/11/2011
Time: 10:00AM PST/1:00PM EDT
Location: Online

1 comment:

James King said...

I would love to know the SaaS solutions but unfortunately I read this post at the event date.